Later, her daughter and sister also joined. Seeing ancient castles and cathedrals and buildings blew my mind!! (Jacob), We were riding bikes one day with our skirts pinned and our helmets. Washington DC North Missionaries Group. We were there for 20 years before making the journey to America., Brother Luala felt grateful just to come to the United States, but the Lord had more in store for him. How the Miracle My Ancestor Experienced during the Spanish Flu Pandemic Is Inspiring Me, Making the Doctrine and Covenants Personal to You. One-hundred-fifty years later, in 1981, that number had grown to 71 (Deseret News 1983 Church Almanac 1982, pp. to LDS Mission Network (LDSMN Official Donation Page) Number of records: Alumni: 3108: . There are places in the world where the missionaries, even in their humble circumstances, are wealthier than the people they serve: dont insult them and embarrass yourself by over-dressing. (Kale), The Moloroff (speed record of 6:15). Well, Sunday came, and he showed up in a three-piece suit looking like he was a groom! Didnt understand the word robbed. Goat cheese salads. Language mastery. (Mariah), In the ghettos, having some people try to take your cell phones or cameras. We had a great appointment; he finally started to break his habits and read the scriptures himself afterwards. (Paul), A new perspective on life. (Valan), Threw up in garbage can at metro stop after eating flour and water for dinner. Missionary Preparation. This list includes the missionarys name, URL and when their blog was updated. About Us. Frequently Asked Questions. Basically love the Lord and the Gospel more than you love anything, anyone else and youll do fine. (Douglas), We joked with a Jewish man on the street, and told him that he should join us in another town for church on Sunday. Sometimes sunny. You cant help them feel Christs love if you dont show them love. (Dennis), My wife was my MTC teacher..I think that covers a lot. (Kara), Finding ourselves in the middle of an anti-war protest. And those talents are specifically required for the people you teach. A bit rainy in the winter but otherwise okay. It was right outside a train station and everyone stopped to see how I would react. (Bryan), Almost knocked out a drunk Irish guy that kept jabbing me in the side trying to start a fight. (Alex), My elder and I being driven to the train station by drunk strangers. Self Control. Luckily, we were able to walk away without to much injury. Surely there will be hard and discouraging times. But work is progressing, and swinging upward. Well, us Canadians (me) did not have a clue how wild the American missionaries would be. In the end, the most important part of the letter we both received that day were the words, You are hereby called to serve. We love our assignment in French-speaking Arizona, but most of all, we love participating in the work of the Lord. Also, people enjoyed food. If not, they are cheap enough where you can buy a few. Pastries. (Drew), I was on splits the first night of my mission with two elders. Fun night! (Kale), Poubelles, crepes, couscous, steak-frites. They asked me if I spoke French. (Nicholai), I had 4 Mission PresidentsI only officially met 2 of them. (Jordan), More confidence in myself. We soon discovered that the Arizona Phoenix Mission is home to a large population of French speakers originally from West and Central Africa, Haiti, and other countries around the world. (Mariah), Getting city vendors to sell you little souvenirs for really cheap by having two of them competing with each other for your purchase. We were having our district meeting that morning, so two companionships from out of town had arrived earlier by train and they were stopped and informed by police officers just outside our apartment of the situation. One was when a recent convert learn how to read by sounding out words from the Book of Mormon and the Gospel Principles manual. There are a lot of micro climates. *Click here to browse Paris Mission gifts. (Merrilyn), Learn how to provide good reasons to believe in God without resorting to Bible/Book of Mormon/Prayer (which are all great ways to learn of God but some/most people need a logical reason to believe in a Higher Power at all. Amazing member missionaries, amazing examples. (Jordan), It rains a lot in France! (Elsa), It was very humid, with warm summers and cold winters. (Michael), Anytime you get to pray with someone or bear your testimony of the Savior is an incredibly spiritual experience! I never actually baptized someone the entire 2 years I served. Some of us may wonder if we were really called to the right place or whether we can truly make a difference. (Roberto), One day while at the church, a lady called the chapel and asked to learn more. Have faith in God (Bryan), Forget yourself and go to work. I served in the Fiji Suva mission, speaking French, which means I was on a island called New Caledonia the whole time. I saw almost 50 baptisms in my 18 months. My last name is White. (Jeffrey), Kebabs, crpes, coquilles St Jacques. Free resources about the France ParisMission: *OtherMission Pages:FranceLDS Missions. You prayed that we would have a fruitful evening! The Lord answers prayers! Some times to a fault for preaching the gospel as they only want to worry about themselves and dont need anything else . (Alex), Pain au chocolat, baguette, Gouda, boxed soup, Brie. The French people are incredible! Make sure you have good, sturdy walking shoes that will last. (Douglas), Everybody kept telling me that a mission would be so difficult, hard work, lots of rejection and stress. (Anna), I had a missionary convince me to go ask for a soutian gorge at a pharmacy when I had a sore throat. (Stuart), Crpe, Burrito Fte, Donner Kebab, Brioche, Galette Brtonne, Crme Frache Pizza. The members preparing his name for temple work, the bishop emailing me a year after his death to tell me that he had personally done the proxy temple ordinances in Jean-Claudes name. My advice is to rely with all your heart on the Lord and you will make it. (Mariah), Just do your best and never give up. The best was in Nantes or Bordeaux where we met in a three story house. (Kale), Dont worry too much about getting Everything before you leave there are markets with skirts and dresses, big shoe stores for when your shoes wear out, their styles are similar, and members and investigators will be happy to direct you on your P day to find more clothes. There's also Cote d'Ivoire, and Belgium. Cant remember the name of the main cheese I loved. (Roberto), Speaking to others about the gospel, building relationships, leadership skills and following through on commitments, being a strong ward member, and speaking French. We taught them most of the discussions and they attended church several times and other church activities. Tropical island Evan Long, a BYU student from Oregon, expected malaria pills and poverty when he opened his mission call to Antananarivo, Madagascar. Home France LDS Missions. (Jordan), How to speak another language. Then we were praying for safety. Learn the discussions in English before going to the Mission Training Center then you have a better idea of what you are saying in French. -awesome!!!! 2017-2020, Paul J. Sorensen 2014-2017, Frdric Jean Babin 2011-2014, Franck A. Poznanski 2008-2011, Don H. Staheli ( Listen to an interview with the Stahelis) 2005-2008, Steven H. Pond 2002-2005, Lynn Bennion 1999-2002, David W. Madsen 1996-1999, Dennis K. Brown To access the official, up-to-date map for the Paris Mission: Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the France ParisMission. Heres a recent address for the ParisMission. Knowing to use common sense. 188 Countries Receiving Humanitarian Aid (Since 1985) 36,639 Welfare Services Missionaries (Incl. (Anna), Lapin la moutarde, fraisiers, quiche, poulet aux arachides Africain. The beauty of the mission is going to teach you how to rely on the Spirit which will force you to learn talents as you go! After the dinner we headed towards the metro, but it was shut down due to a transit strike. RussellM. Nelson, opening remarks in Children and Youth: A Face to Face Event with Elder GerritW. Gong, Nov. 17, 2019, (Bryan), A strong testimony of the work and of the church. And it wasnt my doingI got to see the Elders baptisms, taught some that others found, found some that others taught, sang or performed at many others, fellowshipped or attended classes with other missionaries investigators and taught many recent converts. (Mariah), Moderate. You will learn sacrifice real fast. Utah St. George Mission. Other franciphone missions are Tahiti, Quebec, Haiti, Switzerland, and temple square. Since we did nothing everyone was a lot nicer to us. *Send your missionary a gift (mission-specific shirts, ties, Christmas stockings/ornaments, pillowcases, etc.). How to work harder when exhausted. Try to hold out for Soldes for major discounts. The LDS Church in French Polynesia was founded in 1843 as the first foreign-language mission of the church. In some towns we tracted in, every single home had roses growing so that the whole city smelled of roses. How to talk to people from all walks of life. (Anonymous), It gets very hot and very cold. We dont use cars for transfers. (Nicholai), Talked to strangers. Thermal ones! Ha Ha I had no idea how to lead music. During the 1960s, Church membership increased fivefold as missionaries and members worked to spread the gospel. We were walking home from the train to our apartment and a drunk guy threw a glass bottle at us that narrowly missed us. amertune 10 yr. ago Forgot about Tahiti, even though one of my MTC teachers served there. (Doug), Good sturdy yet lightweight luggage. The cobblestone may break your wheels so try to get a strong suitcase. But there was no time to jump out and talk to her, get her number or set up an appointment. To do otherwise will keep you from speaking for a good part of your mission. Oh yeah and raw hamburger. French-speaking immigrants from the Piedmont valleys of alpine Italy, taught Utahns how to raise and use silk. Missionary Manuals. French Polynesia (Tahiti) Skip to Main Content. Cold in the winter, but it never snowed. This helped me to accomplish many things later in life. 3. (Merrilyn), Those who were members of the church and active were heroes. That is the adversary trying to stop you and demotivate you.go into the mission believing you will find those who have been prepared. The French are kind but you need to be real and sincere with themthey will see through insincerity very quickly. No spirit, no success. There were a few people at the median when we got there, so naturally we started talking to them. Armani isnt exactly for missionaries. But after a few steps, we felt it wasnt right. Be humble, be simple. Lots of rain In the winter. (Mariah), The weather depended on what part of France you were init, Little bit like Washington D.C. but without snow. (Jeffrey), You will teach mostly African immigrants. 252- 253). Over coming adversity. (Anonymous), Where ever you are called, serve with all your might, mind, and strength. Charles E. Jones (1990-93) Group, Paris Mission- Dennis K. Brown (1996-99) Group, Paris Mission Heber M. Thompson (1993-96) Group, Paris Mission Moms and Friends (LDS) Group, Paris Mission- President Johnson (1987-90) Group, 30 Funny French Language Mistakes LDS Missionaries Have Made, Things That Keep People From Recording Their Lifey (And Why They Shouldn't), Paris, Orlans, Cergy-Pontoise, Caen, and Cherbourg. Missionaries (frequently with the help of family and friends) fund their own missions an approximate cost of $10,000 to $12,000 per missionary. Learned how to get along with a companion whom you were with 24/7 in every sense of the word. (Jeffrey), Immerse yourself in the work. I have a stronger testimony. (Valan), Walking in a sketchy city with lots of Arabs and came across a fight in the parking lot. (Jeffrey), A lot haha honestly I learned self-confidence, I was blessed tremendously after my mission. Very brave people. During a migraine episode, we had an appointment scheduled with a non-progressing investigator with major word of wisdom issues. Bread. In a recent general conference talk, President HenryB. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, quoted the First Presidency in 1840 saying, The work which has to be accomplished in the last days is one of vast importance, and will call into action the energy, skill, talent, and ability of the Saints.4 We are each where we are for a reason, and no effort consecrated to accomplishing the work of the Lord will go unnoticed by Him. Many Mormon missionaries are asked to serve in places far from their home where they are required to learn to speak a foreign language. Click the mission name for a page that indicates the mission (s) that now serve the same area. DC North - President Dennis E. Simmons Group. If this will happen in the future given the eternity of time ahead of us why is it not just as reasonable to conclude that this has happened in the past and that we are part of a immortal eternal race who are here on earth to learn how to make moral decisions without being forced to IE Agency. (Zakarias), Its hard and long but its what you make of it, Make sure you have a solid testimony of the Gospel, especially The Book of Mormon. Libraries. (Valan), Dont bring tons of American clothes. if you dont know the truth when you first leave, I promise you will know as you let yourself go to work and you will come back a better person. Serve. (Bryan), The people are very kind and stick to themselves. Heres a link to the mission map for the ParisMission (LDS). (Matt), Being threatened numerous times and actually being punched in the face. 78110 Le Vesinet Our mission president is french. She was getting married the next day and her friends were having fun getting her embarrassed. I wasnt sure if I could even make it to his apartment because I was feeling so weak and he lived on the 6th floor. Full-Time Senior Missionaries. An assignment as unusual as a French-speaking mission in Arizona has certainly caused us to question the impact of our role once or twice. (Jeffrey), Nantes, Rennes, Poitier, Bourges, Tours, Reims, Antony, Sarcelles. It was pretty funny. ;). We hiked up a mountain one weekend when everyone from Tarbes went to a Missionary Training Session in Bordeaux and there was only room for all missionaries but one so another had to stay behind so we could be a pair. (Dennis), We were almost missing a train, so I started to drive with my best Italian style..It was quite dangerous because people dont seem to follow Italian streets rules. 131 Blvd Carnot (Alex), Rainy, warm in country/cities, very rainy. We do them ourselves using buses, metros and trains. In the summer, it was hot and humid. My DNA be stolen or something? (Merrilyn), I never ate cheese in my life. People skills. That part was pretty cool. (Michael), It will be the hardest thing you ever do. It was great. (Paul), The countless times of bearing testimony on the street to complete strangers. In our first discussion with her, we felt the spirit so strong that my companion asked her to be baptized and she responded that of course she would beas if that was a silly question. But there are cheap marchs that youll walk through on P-day, shampoo & hygiene products you can pick up for a euro or two in big subway stations like La Dfense as you switch trains and things like that. Rabbit. Definitely thermal garments. I discovered a lot about myself. Utah Salt Lake City West Mission. (Chloe), I learned to communicate better. What doyou wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission? (Chloe), Dont worry about trying to express everything that you want to say. I learned how the Spirit worked with me more clearly. It was just awesome. It doesnt make sense to have to use time to even begin to find a testimony on your mission when you could be bearing it instead to people that need it. Do as much of your study, reading, and praying in your mission language as possible. He knows exactly where to find those who are prepared for His message, and He knows how to touch their hearts. You have the power and talent to help people. Then knowing that he was faithful to the end of his life. (Scott), St Nazaire Sarcelles Versailles Paris Poitiers Meaux Cergy. (Mariah), I packed all the stuff on the list and used almost everything. But times have changed and there is so much work to do! Tartiflette. No smoking no drinking NO DRINKING WINE. (Doug), Paris, Versailles, Nantes, Chatiillon, Pau, Tarbes, Bordeaux. (Zakarias), Video interviews with returned missionaries, Cultural articles written by returned missionaries,, France Paris Mission President Pond Group, Paris Mission Pres. The people take some getting used to but you will love them in the end. Missionary Moms & Dads DC North Mission Group. Thankfully, this work isnt ours. For many of them, the path that led them to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ wasn't easy, but meeting these people has helped us see how the Lord guides people to find His true gospel. My companion scheduled a dinner appointment just outside of our area, but I went along with it since he only had three weeks left in his mission. How to work past exhaustion. (Anna), 1. (Roberto), While riding our bikes in Orleans, some guys we rode by spat at and hit us in the shoulder. It was a long walk. We were knocking doors, a little girl opened the door. 4. provides free missionary websites to LDS missionaries and their families giving them a great way to communicate and share mission experiences. (Jeffrey), I wish I knew the language better. (Matt), Having my last lesson on my mission where our golden investigator told us a story where he met 2 young men in white shirts and ties that gave him a book that forever changed his life and his families. And I loved hearing peoples stories. When we opened our call letters and read our unique assignment, we never could have imagined the obstacles we would face in the mission field. [1] By country/territory [ edit] List of missions within each country, territory or dependency. I am married with 6 children and currently serve on the High Council and I am still a missionary every day. I love their politeness, manners and gentility. Organization. Dont make derogatory remarks about the French. Other times, it was just having a conversation with the man in the park about death, and what he was going through. I loved learning about the French and African cultures I loved the history and sites everywhere I served. That was always a good spiritual experience. (Matt), I called women, men sometimes haha. Argentina Buenos Aires North. (Aaron), Communication skills, teaching skills (especially listening! (Alex), Saint-Quentin, Brussels, Saint-Ouen. (Matt), How to find the good in others, studying for a couple hours at a time, and not being afraid to open my mouth. I love you, and so does the Lord. (Elsa), A gypsy kid stole my companions cheeseburger at one of the McDonalds on Rue Ste. Trying different foods. (Stuart), If you forget anything or need something unexpected you will have no trouble finding it in France. (Drew), I was a little nervous as plans fell through again with my first blue (trainee), and I was afraid she might be mad or frustrated that we werent teaching quite as much as she probably expected. (Bryan), Very atheist. (Michael), Once, my companion and I were waiting for the mtro (subway) when a homeless man came up to us to ask for money. Caresser is to pet. (Jordan), Pain au chocolat, religiouse; quiche. There are a lot of tourists in Paris, but also a lot of castles and country side outside of Paris. Able to understand new members better. Keep it going! A knowledge of Gods love and His involvement and interest in my life. Utah Salt Lake City East Mission. (Bryan), Pack with quality luggage or large packs. Talked about the gospel without being awkward. Not a big one. But at the same time, I felt some inner rush to keep hurrying to find her. (Anonymous), I served in an ever changing mission with boundary changes, area closures and much adversity, but I still had a very successful mission serving in 8 different areas, living in 10 different apartments with 15 different companions. (Zakarias), Anything you need you can buy in France. Saints and sant (what is bloody) make the same sound to an English ear. She asked me if the Book of Mormon could truly change her life for the better. I learned how to better serve. (Anonymous), Cherbourg, Nogent, Vannes, Sarcelles, St Brieuc, Evreux, Niort, Soissons. One or two probably turned away, but one man was at least curious. American baggy clothes stick out like a sore thumb. (Kara), It was a magical place to serve. (Anna), Living & spending all your time with many different types of companions. (Douglas), Orleans, Reims, Lorient, Sarcelle(Paris ghettos), Soissons, and Alencon, and then I got to serve in many others on exchanges. A few of the members had a chuckle. (Kara), First French stake formed in 1975. I love the cosmopolitan, international nature of the cities there, meeting people from every nation, all working together. It was amazing to see someones life lifted up and to receive joy through the Gospel. Laundry. My last companion started training Elder Whitman the day I went home. 7. Libraries. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides relief and development projects for humanitarian purposes in countries all over the world. (Roberto), Spoke out more-even if I wasnt confident in French yet. You learn about traditions from every part of the world and celebrate with them. The quicker you do the faster you will start to have one of the most cherished times of your life. (Doug), Pray for the people even before you get your call. 65,950,000 (July 2013 estimate) Operating. (Mariah), Cooking. Read the Book of Mormon in the language. But he followed me and came straight up to me with scissors and took off a few inches of a chunk of my long red hair and scurried away. The people outside of Paris seem more friendly to Americans than Parisians do. Either how they got to France, how they found their faith/the Missionaries, some people were alive during WWII, etc. When we left the appointment and went down the stairs, the migraine and weakness both returned. (Jeffrey), Have a young punk kid saying ta mre and I laughed back at him because I realized he had just said youre mom which doesnt translate as a bad word into English. (Jordan), If you say je suis plein for I am full it really means I am, HA HA I bet everyone makes this one. Winters do get cold. Save some money and buy a suit or two in France. Its nice and varied! Should we turn around? It existed until 1852 when it was closed due to restrictions by the French government, and the missionaries left the territory. Scott M. Naatjes, 53, and Jodi T. Naatjes, five children, Lake Marion Ward, Lakeville Minnesota Stake: Alpine German-Speaking Mission, succeeding President Christopher S. Brown and Sister Laura G. Brown. See DieterF. Uchtdorf, God Will Do Something Unimaginable, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 54. There are many kind, beautiful Muslims, many vibrant and funny Africans, people from the old French colonies, transplants from Asia, South America, the rest of Europe, and also many tourists. You are hereby called to serve in the Arizona Phoenix Mission. You can submit your own article, ideas, or feedback at The language of the Spirit is the codex for the universal translator that is the Gift of Tongues. Though the laborers in France have often been few, the harvest has indeed been great (see Luke 10:2). The prophets of the Book of Mormon regularly apologize for the weaknesses of mortal tongues because it can be the first and most intimidating barrier to sharing eternal truths with strangers in strange lands, but it can be overcome. (Aaron), I loved teaching my investigator, Marie-line, because she was so sincere. Organized on 18-Jun-1850 The people are amazing once you get past the front door, they are always excited to be able to help someone after they learn your asking for help and not trying to sell them stuff. The celebration will feature a 364-voice adult choir, a 120-voice children's choir and performances of Latin American, Native American and Pacific Islander folk dances all commemorating the Book. (Paul), Forget about home and engulf yourself in the gospel, the language and the French culture. Also, companionship study could be very spiritual because we were studying similar doctrine together and discussing what we learned in detail. Catherine. Heres a list of LDS missionary blogs for the ParisMission. You never know what the Lord has in store for the friendships you build with members and investigators. (Anna), There are two separate cultures in the mission: The city culture and the countryside culture. Definitely a good rain jacket and umbrella and waterproof shoes. Pick things that you feel great in when you feel beautiful in the morning, you can stop worrying about yourself and your confidence is boosted as you go around talking to everyone.