Now their nursing staff is not available. Verschiebung von Prüfungen und zum Start des Studienbetriebs im Sommersemester bündelt. Unfortunately, no reliable statements can yet be made for the period after January 10, 2021, as this depends on the legal framework conditions. The quarantine can be terminated prematurely after five days, provided that a negative test result has been obtained. Please do not hesitate to contact the KIT Medical Services if you have further medical questions. mouth, nose, or eyes), the virus may be transmmitted in this way. Corona-Pandemie: Forschung am KIT. Yes, you are allowed to move, but please follow the usual distancing and hygiene rules. in hallways) that are only very short as compared to the above period of time are not included. All lending periods have been adapted in such a way that books or other media lent do not have to be returned before January 10, 2021. Lehrveranstaltungen finden zunächst bis 10.01.2021 online statt. Mit einem normalen Präsenzbetrieb ist auch danach nicht zu rechnen. Where can I find information about the Corona pandemic in other languages? (§ 29 (3) clause 2 TV-L/ TVöD). One of our established basic standards in corona times is the observance of infection protection (keeping distance, reducing contact, meeting only in small groups, washing hands, sneezing and coughing etiquette). As the situation for parents and persons in charge remains uncertain, all supervisors are called upon to react sensitively and to seek as flexible as possible solutions with their employees. Bewerben können sich Studierende und Studienanfänger aller Nationalitäten, die bereits am KIT immatrikuliert sind oder ihr Studium am KIT aufnehmen. 14, cl. For this purpose, students will find a form on their numbered table, which must be completed and handed over to the examiner. Depending on the conditions at your workplace, additional protective measures may be required. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) answers the most important questions relating to the current situation at: Information from the Federal Ministry of Health: Information on prevention measures, such as cough and sneeze etiquette and a good hand hygiene, is given by the authorities on the following websites, for instance: The Medical Services of KIT also provide information: Please reduce your contacts to as few persons as possible. If neither the KONKIT device nor the QR code is available in the rooms used, the teacher is obliged to collect the contact data of the participants in proper form and to keep the data for four weeks. -anfänger vom WS 18/19 und Studienanfängerinnen bzw -anfänger vom WS 19/20 um jeweils ein Semester verlängert. May Courses Take Place on the Campus again? Documentation obligations (who was present? This applies both to students already enrolled and to students newly admitted for the winter semester. Will the deadlines for students be extended? Weiteres zu diesem Thema in den FAQs des KIT unter "Allgemeiner Studienbetrieb und Grundsatzfragen". Einzelne Terminkonflikte, insbesondere zwischen CVT und MVT, lassen sich leider nicht vermeiden. When leaving the room, these cloths must be disposed of in the waste bins available. Due to the current pandemic situation, the lecture period at KIT will start online  on November 2. This must be documented by the examiner or supervising person and the responsible examination committee must be informed accordingly. We would also like to pass on a request from the Karlsruhe Health Office to the students: Please use this form for applications for unpaid leave of absence with entitlement to compensation. Regulations on KIT Service Operations in Times of the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus) Pandemic, the infection protection measures and the current hygiene rules,, "First Aid Kit for Successful Distributed Working", Who can I contact?,Lde/Startseite/Aussenstellen/1_+Staatspruefung+_+Gymnasium+and+vocational+schools Up to 250 persons are permitted if, in addition, seats are being allocated and an event program has been set up in advance. Die Anerkennung eines Härtefallantrags führt ohne Berücksichtigung von Leistung oder Wartezeit zur sofortigen Zulassung … Professor Franze erforscht, wie mechanische Kräfte das Wachstum von Nervenzellen beeinflussen. For details, please refer to:, According to the corona ordinances relevant to KIT, face masks must be worn at KIT, There is no obligation to wear a face mask. 09.10.2020 Verlängerung der Regelstudienzeit Die Frist zum Ablegen der Orientierungsprüfung wird für Studienanfängerinnen bzw. Technikzukünfte. Students there have their individualized standard periods of study extended by one semester and the summer semester is not counted as a term (irrespective  of a leave of absence). We kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the services and tools available to you, if you have not already done so. Auch andere Lernräume auf dem Campus können eingeschränkt genutzt werden. In view of the special situation, KIT Human Resources (Personalservice PSE) currently receives an enormous number of inquiries. Corona-Warn-App kommt nun doch auch für alte iPhones 15.12.20; 53 Corona-Tote in Berlin innerhalb eines Tages 15.12.20; Flixbus nimmt Betrieb vorerst doch nicht wieder auf 15.12.20; Betrüger nutzen Pandemie für neue Masche 15.12.20; Neuer Höchstwert bei Corona-Toten in Brandenburg 15.12.20; Grenze zu Polen bleibt teilweise offen 15.12.20; Zwölf Menschen nach Corona-Ausbruch in … Before contacting us, please check whether you have used up your remaining leave from 2020 and your flexitime. This means, for example, that students can participate in the sessions without activating their microphones or webcams and without having to give their real names. Zur Vereinbarung eines Beratungstermins müssen sich Studieninteressierte einmalig im Wiwi-Portal des KIT registrieren. The Technical Regulations for Workplaces ASR A 3.6 recommend pulse ventilation of meeting rooms every 20 minutes for over 3 minutes to allow maximum air exchange through wide-open windows. According to the corona ordinances, community masks (which are also referred to as simple face masks or mouth-and-nose covers) are mandatory in certain places or under certain circumstances. 4) If, after having exhausted these possibilities further days off are required for childcare, a short-term leave of absence from work with a waiver of payment can be granted, § 29, subsection 3, sentence 2 TVöD, or special leave can be taken according to § 28 TVöD. Den Start des darauffolgenden Sommersemesters plant das KIT unverändert für den 12.04.2021. What is the state of affairs for the winter semester 2020/21 with regard to classroom teaching? Das Studium "Bauingenieurwesen" an der staatlichen "KIT" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Science". (Please note: The current ticket system was launched just a few days ago. You will be instructed to go home or to stay at home if possible and to reduce encounters, as well as to observe behavioral instructions when symptoms occur. Exceptions are only made for individual examinations and doctoral examinations. Corona - Aktuelle Hinweise. commuters) are exempt from the test obligation. Er verweist auf ein Bündel von Maßnahmen, das die Hochschule umsetze, um Studierenden in der Corona-Krise zu helfen: "Man kann sich bis einen Tag vor der Klausur davon abmelden. Die Corona-Pandemie sorgt allseits für große Verunsicherung und prekäre Lebensverhältnisse. If you suffer from the above typical symptoms but cannot find a doctor who approves a Covid-19 test, we recommend that you contact the public health office responsible for your place of residence (by telephone or email. Laufende Abschlussarbeiten . What does the current regulation on KIT service operation mean for mobile working from home? Gerade in Zeiten von Corona ist es wichtig, Virusinfektionen schnell und eindeutig zu diagnostizieren. As of now, there shall be no ordering of books. Is it possible to enter Germany from third countries? Zentrum für Information und Beratung (zib) Zentrale Studienberatung +49 721 608 - 44930 info∂ . Mai 2020). 1593 Neuinfektionen und 39 Todesfälle in Berlin+ 56 Böllerverbotszonen festgelegt + Berlin steht Schlange – großer Andrang bei Lebensmittelgeschäften + Der Corona-Blog. An appropriate form is available for download. Planning of the courses is still under way and will only be completed largely in the course of the month of September. Declaration on the Absence of a Suspected Corona Virus Infection in an Examination of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT): Die Angewandten Geowissenschaften an der Exzellenzuniversität KIT bieten Ihnen beste Voraussetzungen, Ihre Karrieremöglichkeiten zu entwickeln. In the email to Mrs. Christine Engelhardt (christine.engelhardt∂ cc: kristin.wolf∂, please indicate whether you decide to take the spring or the autumn examination. Depending on the conditions at the workplace, protective measures may therefore be required, which the management of the organizational units will take after a risk assessment of the workplace has been completed. Where at KIT is wearing a face mask mandatory? For scientific users, the DFNconf service provided by DFN offers video, audio, and web conferences (while capacities last). - Instead of receiving their collectively agreed payment, persons returning from risk areas that were not yet classified as risk areas at the beginning of their journey are entitled to a compensation according to § 56 (1) of the German Infection Protection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz – IfSG) (during quarantine in the amount of the net loss of payment), which is paid by KIT. I have had contact with a person infected with the corona virus or have symptoms of an infection with the corona virus. Die Forschungsergebnisse seien gerade angesichts der Corona-Beschränkungen und dem bevorstehenden Winter relevant. Die Umsetzung erfolgt zentral, und es müssen keine Anträge gestellt werden. Since the existing services cannot be scaled, cloud-based online setting must be used instead. You will then receive the masks by internal mail. What can I do? Upon expiry of these deadlines, the Diplom degree programs will not exist anymore and there will be no possibility of taking further examinations. How can I obtain the KIT library's and KIT department libraries' seals stating that I have cleared my library accounts prior to my being removed from the register of students? Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester. Für wen macht er Sinn? Do I still have to pay tuition fees as an international student? According to §7 of the Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg, typical symptoms include: Fever, dry cough, olfactory disorders, and taste disorders. Children whose well-being requires care are also entitled to emergency care. Currently, consistently avoid face-to-face meetings and please conduct them exclusively online. Neither for civil servants nor for employees covered by collective bargaining agreements is there a need for taking their leave of absence or special leave in one piece. Thus, the KIT has followed the recommendation of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs. Examples of measures that maintain the basic standard are mobile working, if this is possible after consultation with superiors, moving to individual offices, and ensuring presence of only few persons at a time. The duty to maintain one’s ability to work (§ 34 p. 1 of the Civil Service Status Act - Beamtenstatusgesetz - BeamtStG) requires that civil servants weigh up the necessity of the journey  and the respective risk in a responsible manner. If any such contact becomes known after work has been started, the KIT contact person must be informed immediately. According to the "Guidelines on the Course of Business at KIT in Times  of the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus) Pandemic", it is possible to conduct personal interviews face to face, observing the the infection protection measures and the current hygiene rules: Minimum distance 1.5 meters, cough and sneeze etiquette, regular thorough hand washing, well-ventilated and sufficiently large rooms. In general, thorough hand washing as recommended by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) is an important element of personal hygiene and can protect you also against a variety of other infections, such as gastrointestinal diseases. I would like to use the prior master's transfer account. Instructions of the supervisors must be obeyed. What do I have to consider? Against this background and on the basis of the "Regulations on KIT Service Operations in Times of the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus) Pandemic", the Presidential Board has decided - after consultations with the KIT Crisis Staff - to implement a comprehensive and consistent home office during the period from December 16, 2020 to January 10, 2021. Books  that are ready for collection can still be collected on December 16, 2020 at the normal opening times. According to Article 19 BBiG, this also applies to trainees. To receive compensation, the order for quarantine must be submitted to PSE Zeitwirtschaft. Mobile working from home is new to me. There is no question, however, that the Corona App is especially helpful on the way to work and in many other situations. General impairments are not medical reasons for exemption from the obligation, because, after long mask wearing periods, anybody might feel impaired or uncomfortable. In case the persons affected can prove by a medical certificate that they suffer from a chronic disease or allergy causing Corona-specific symptoms, KIT shall strive to permit participation in the examination, if possible, in a separate room or with the candidate wearing a mouth-nose mask. In particular, we would like to ask you to provide a telephone number where you can be reached by the health authorities if necessary. at KIT in the period from December 16 to January 10 in order to minimize contact as far as possible. The Corona App shows me a warning, how should I react? ), c. Distance rules (currently 1.5 meters). More information on data collection can be found at: (in German only). What is to be done in the case of a Covid-19 infection at KIT? Die Bescheinigung weist die Regelstudienzeit Ihres Studiengangs aus und dient zugleich als Bestätigung gegenüber Dritten, dass die Regelstudienzeit aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie für alle im Sommersemester 2020 immatrikulierten Studierenden einmalig um ein Semester verlängert wurde. International students of the KIT can apply for a waiver of tuition fees at the International Students Office of the Business Unit International Affairs on condition that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they have got into an emergency situation after starting their studies and are therefore not able to pay the tuition fee. The table arrangement will be changed so that the distance rule of 1.5 meters can be adhered to when eating - both between the tables and within a table with two opposite seats. The points listed here should only be observed if the employee was present at the KIT during the last 48 hours before the appearance of symptoms or the smear for the corona test. The orders given by the health authority must be obeyed. last change: Particularly noteworthy is the obligation to collect data for all meetings of two or more persons in a room for a period of more than 15 minutes. Our colleagues of DE ASERV (General Services) and the contracted service providers continuously take care of the lavatories and toilets on our campuses. If it is not possible for you to work from home, a paid leave of absence of at most three working days according to §29 (3) TVöD/TV-L can be granted provided that these days have not been used up yet in 2020. At workplaces or in laboratories and rooms that are used jointly (e.g. Only if an official quarantine order has been issued by the authorities, is the respective person entitled to continued payment of remuneration for up to a maximum of 6 weeks in the event of an incapacity to work in accordance with Article 56 of the German Infection Protection Act. . In addition, students will not be credited with failed exams, but will be allowed a "free trial". The course catalog for the 2020/21 winter semester will presumably be published on September 30 in order to reflect the latest state of planning (see. Until further notice, this extension applies to the summer semester of 2020. The KIT Library, the Fachbibliothek HsKA (FBH), and the Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe (FBD) are closed for the time being until January 10, 2021 by virtue of the Baden-Württemberg Corona Ordinance. According to the current Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg (CoronaVO), there is an obligation to collect contact data (Art. For written examinations in the summer semester 2020, which will take place in the semester break from July 27 to October 31, 2020, it still will be impossible to use the usual venues.

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