The meeting centered around providing the Lega with $65 million of illegal funding by the Russian state. Von Juli 2004 bis April 2006 war er Mitglied der EU-skeptischen Fraktion Unabhängigkeit/Demokratie. [210] As of March 2019, Salvini is engaged to Francesca Verdini, daughter of the politician Denis Verdini. On 21 May 2018, Di Maio and Salvini proposed the professor of private law Giuseppe Conte for the role of Prime Minister in the 2018 Italian government,[96][97][98] despite reports in the Italian press suggesting that President Mattarella still had significant reservations about the direction of the new government. [154] On 18 June 2018, Salvini announced the government would conduct a census of Romani people in Italy for the purpose of deporting all who are not in the country legally. [212], Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister (2018–2019), Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, "Elezioni: Salvini Capolista al Senato in 5 circosrizioni", "Salvini vicino a perdere il seggio in Calabria. Ma chi è questa ragazza? Allerdings nicht, weil er ein Anhänger gesunder Ernährung geworden ist. The decree also suspended the refugee application process of those who were considered "socially dangerous" or who had been convicted of a crime. | Crollo del Partito democratico. Gegen den Bürgermeister der Gemeinde wird mit dem Vorwurf der Beihilfe zur illegalen Einwanderung von der Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt. [6], He has been considered a hardline Eurosceptic politician, holding a starkly critical view of the European Union, especially of the euro. Salvini ran in the 2008 general election and was elected in the Chamber of Deputies for the constituency Lombardy 1. Gianni Fava (giunta Maroni) sfida il segretario al congresso", "Lega, un mantovano lancia la sfida a Salvini", "Lega. [33] Die graue Eminenz Sergio Romano verglich die Putin-Freundschaft Berlusconis mit derjenigen von Salvini: Berlusconi sei Putin auf Augenhöhe begegnet, aber Salvini sei "ein Wasserträger Putins". | [11][12][13][14][15] His political views have been described by British newspapers The Guardian and The Independent as far-right. Matteo Salvini si commuove in diretta per la compagna: "Un gioiello. Danilo Toninelli (M5S) | He was an active member of Young Padanians Movement, LN's youth faction, of which he became city coordinator for Milan in 1992 and city secretary in 1997. Er begann an der Universität Mailand ein Studium der Geschichte und brach dieses ab. Annamaria Cancellieri | 20. Matteo Salvini ritrova l’amore e la felicità con Francesca Verdini. In the European Parliament election, the party obtained 6.2% of the vote and 5 MEPs. In 1999 during an official visit of Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in Milan, Salvini refused to shake his hand, stating that Ciampi did not represent him. [24] However, in his autobiography, he writes: "I went to the Leoncavallo just one time. Paolo Emilio Taviani | Mossa-terremoto, caos nel partito", "Lega, Salvini convoca il congresso e cerca il plebiscito", "La Lega, il congresso-lampo e la fronda anti Salvini nel nome della Padania", "Fava: "Sfido Salvini perché la Lega non perda le sue radici. So bediente er sich z. On 14 June, Italy closed its ports to migrant rescue ships. Al termine della storia, finita con il divorzio dopo pochi anni, il politico ha avuto una relazione con Giulia Martinelli , madre di Mirta Salvini, seconda figlia di Matteo. Ha 28 anni ma è avanti' Ha 28 anni ma è avanti' Il leader leghista, ospite a 'Oggi è un altro giorno', si è … [78][79][80][81], On 21 December 2017, Salvini presented the new electoral logo of the Northern League for the 2018 general election; for the first time since its foundation the party ran in all the constituencies of the country, using a logo without the word "Northern". [109][110] Meanwhile, Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio announced their willingness to restart the negotiations to form a political government; Giorgia Meloni, leader of FdI, gave her support to the initiative. [107][108], Cottarelli was expected to submit his list of ministers for approval to President Mattarella on 29 May. Sabato pomeriggio la partenza. [167], Salvini has been described as hard Eurosceptic, holding a starkly critical view of the European Union (EU), especially of the euro, which he once described as a "crime against humanity". Salvini trat 1990 im Alter von 17 Jahren der Lega Lombarda bei, einem der „nationalen“ Verbände der Lega Nord (die norditalienischen Separatisten bezeichneten die einzelnen Regionen als „Nationen“, die Lega Nord war nur der Dachverband). [196] However, he prefers dialogue over new sanctions. [22][23] Als sich der damalige italienische Präsident, Giorgio Napolitano, im Juli 2013 zu rassistischen Wortmeldungen über Kyenge äußerte, forderte Salvini ihn auf, den Mund zu halten. August 2018 leitete die italienische Justiz ein Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Freiheitsberaubung, illegaler Festnahme und Machtmissbrauchs gegen Salvini ein, weil auf dessen persönliche Anweisung auf dem Schiff „Diciotti“ der italienischen Küstenwache schiffbrüchige Personen festgehalten worden waren. Nach den Parlamentswahlen im März 2018 zog er in den italienischen Senat ein. La nuova fidanzata di Matteo Salvini è Francesca Verdini, ora su tutte le copertine dei giornali. Ricordiamo che la conduttrice è stata la compagna di Matteo Salvini durante il suo primo incarico importante nel governo, quello di Ministro degli Interni. [59] Die Ermittlungen gegen Salvini wurden eingestellt. The matter was made part of a larger investigation by Italian authorities into the League's finances. [25], In 1990 Salvini became a member of the Lega Nord, the regionalist and separatist movement founded by Umberto Bossi in 1989. In August 2019, Salvini announced a motion of no confidence against Prime Minister Conte, after growing tensions within the majority. [51] [58] In November the Emilia-Romagna regional election represented a major step for Salvini's "national project": the Lega Nord, which won 19.4% of the vote, was the region's second-largest party, and far ahead of Forza Italia, helping paving the way for the Lega Nord to become the dominant centre-right party. Alfonso Bonafede (M5S) | Angelino Alfano (1.–2.) Francesco Cossiga (1.–3.) Er ist seit dem 1. Matteo Salvini commosso dopo il messaggio della fidanzata: il suo lato tenero Matteo Salvini (getty images) Francesca Verdini si è rivolta verso il partner in … [52], In April 2014, Salvini presented the party's logo for the European Parliament election, with Basta Euro ("No more Euro") replacing Padania,[53] to emphasize the party's Euroscepticism and desire to exit from the Eurozone. Das Schiff Aquarius mit den 629 Schiffbrüchigen bekam keine Genehmigung in einen italienischen Hafen einzulaufen, auch wenn damit internationales Seevölkerrecht gebrochen wurde, da Schiffbrüchige in den nächstgelegenen sicheren Hafen gebracht werden müssen. Mario Scelba (7.) [42], Salvini drohte als Innenminister 2018, dem bekannten italienischen Mafiagegner und Enthüllungsjournalisten Roberto Saviano den Polizeischutz (den dieser wegen Todesdrohungen der Mafia erhielt) zu entziehen, nachdem Saviano Salvini kritisiert hatte. Salvini, da quanto si apprende giunto senza scorta e insieme alla compagna [9][10] During his time serving as Deputy Prime Minister, many political commentators and newspapers, such as The Guardian, The New York Times, the Financial Times, The Economist and The Huffington Post, characterized him as a strongman and the most influential politician in Italy after the 2018 elections. Amintore Fanfani (3.) [12][155][156][157] However, this measure was criticized as unconstitutional and was opposed by all the opposition parties and also by some members of the M5S. Roberto Maroni | [87][88], On 7 May, President Mattarella held a third round of government formation talks, after which he formally confirmed the lack of any possible majority (the Five Star Movement rejecting an alliance with the entire centre-right coalition, the Democratic Party rejecting an alliance with both the Five Star Movement and the centre-right coalition, and the League refusing to start a government with the Five Star Movement but without Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, whose presence in the government was explicitly vetoed by Luigi Di Maio). Salvini: chiudiamo i porti", "Malta and Spain offer safe port to stranded migrant ship", "Italy to Compile 'Register' of Roma People: Matteo Salvini", "Italian Populist Matteo Salvini Pledges Census of Gypsies", "Far-right Italy minister vows 'action' to expel thousands of Roma", "Salvini shock: "Censimento sui rom, quelli italiani purtroppo ce li dobbiamo tenere". So dürfen keine Schiffe von Hilfsorganisationen mehr in italienischen Häfen anlegen, Asylwerber sollen in größeren Flüchtlingszentren untergebracht werden. [208] He later became engaged to Elisa Isoardi, a popular TV host. [20] Gemeinsam mit der neofaschistischen CasaPound plädierte er 2014 für die Aussetzung des Schengen-Abkommens, wobei er mit der Unterstützung des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin rechnen konnte, den er im Herbst 2014 in Moskau traf. Anche nei giorni di festa, sempre e comunque colpa mia" Tra le notizie del giorno, anche Laura Boldrini che vuole trascinare in tribunale Matteo Salvini . | Ci penserò, "Pd, Martina: "Fiducia a Cottarelli". The ticket won most of its votes in the North (including 32.2% in Veneto, 28.0% in Lombardy, 26.7% in Trentino, 25.8% in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and 22.6% in Piedmont), but also made inroads in the rest of the country, especially in Central Italy (notably 20.2% in Umbria), the upper part of the South (13.8% in Abruzzo) and Sardinia (10.8%). Matteo Salvini: figli altezza e moglie, ha avuto una lunga relazione con Giulia Martinelli, da cui è nata la loro primogenita, Mirta La prescelta è Giulia Martinelli, avvocato che si occupa di disagio sociale e compagna di Matteo Salvini, segretario della Lega. Seit 1997 bezeichnet er sich als Berufsjournalist. [24] Nach dem Tod des früheren italienischen Präsidenten Carlo Azeglio Ciampi im September 2016, bezeichnete Salvini ihn als „einen der Verräter Italiens und der Italiener“. Antonio Gava (1.–2.) Infatti nel corso di questa guida ti svelerò tutte le curiosità che riguardano questo politico italiano. Salvini a Venezia, smoking e bacio alla fidanzata Francesca Verdini: «Sono qui per lei» Scarpe lucide nere, in smoking scuro e in ottima forma fisica: è un Matteo Salvini versione relax e innamorato quello che sbarca al Leading up to the 2019 European Parliament election, Salvini worked to create a pan-European alliance of nationalist political parties,[129][130][131][132][133] and he continued these efforts after the election. Giuseppe Conte (dʒuˈzɛpːɛ ˈkɔntɛ, * 8. [126], In the summer of 2019, Salvini visited several public beaches to campaign, something unusual for an Italian politician.[127][128]. Scontro nel governo, Di Maio: "Incostituzionale, "Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte dismisses Roma census proposal as 'unconstitutional, "Italian government approves Salvini bill targeting migrants", "Sea Watch captain Carola Rackete released, but controversy rages on", "La Lega presenta al Senato una mozione di sfiducia a Conte. [35] In the Parliament, he sat in the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group. [206], In 2001 Matteo Salvini married Fabrizia Ieluzzi, a journalist who worked for a private radio station, by whom he had one child Federico in 2003. La compagna di Salvini in splendida forma Linda 24/06/2020 Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardia e Piemonte in zona gialla Gf Vip 5: Selvaggia Roma … Matteo Salvini da tempo ha una nuova fidanzata: dopo la fine della storia d’amore con Elisa Isoardi, il leader della Lega adesso fa coppia fissa con la giovane Francesca Verdini, figlia di quel Denis già parlamentare di Forza Italia e fondatore di Ala.. [166] Five Star Movement and League leaders met with Mattarella on 14 May to guide the formation of a new government. Klapsis berichtet weiter von einer Pressekonferenz, wo sich Salvini für einen EU-Beitritt Russlands ausgesprochen haben soll. [63] Salvini wurde auch dafür kritisiert, dass er und seine Partei Lega den Gedenktag zur Befreiung vom Faschismus boykottiert haben und damit rechtsextreme Gruppen ermutigt haben. According to a report by the Süddeutsche Zeitung and NGOs this was the nearest safe harbor per maritime law. Traballa la maggioranza del governo in Senato", " - Scheda di attività di Matteo SALVINI - XVIII Legislatura", "Dizionario italiano multimediale e multilingue d'ortografia e di pronunzia", "Who is Matteo Salvini? E’ entrate al centro dei gossip quando ha iniziato a frequentare il leader della Lega Matteo Salvini. He previously served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the constituency of North-West Italy from 2004 to 2018. Il Carroccio sorpassa Forza Italia", "Elezioni 2018: M5S primo partito, nel centrodestra la Lega supera FI", "Salvini: "La Lega guiderà governo". [35], Nachdem ein ehemaliger Lega-Nord-Kandidat und Neonazi bei einem Anschlag in Macerata auf afrikanische Migranten geschossen und sechs von ihnen verletzt hatte, twitterte Salvini, es sei die „unkontrollierte Einwanderung“, die zu „Chaos, Wut und sozialen Zusammenstößen“ führe. [5] In Juni 2012 wurde er zum nationalen Parteisekretär der Lega Lombarda gewählt. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro (1.–3.) [82], The League obtained a resounding success, becoming the third largest party in Italy with 17.4% of the vote. Zu jener Zeit führte die Lega Nord eine Kampagne gegen die afroitalienische Politikerin. In the meantime, the parties' joint parliamentary groups were named "League–Salvini Premier" in the Chamber[118] and "League–Salvini Premier–Sardinian Action Party" in the Senate. [123][124] The League has an official cooperation deal with Russia's governing party United Russia. Foto: AP. Er behauptete, Roma-Kindern in Italien werde "Diebstahl und Illegalität beigebracht", "leider" könne man die italienischen Roma jedoch nicht ins Ausland abschieben. Matteo Salvini, dalla felpa allo smoking: il leader della Lega bacia la fidanzata Francesca Verdini alla mostra del Cinema di Venezia di Agenzia Vista Alexander Jakhnagiev | 5 Settembre 2020 19 He has also been Federal Secretary of the Northern League since December 2013. Riparte la trattativa giallo-verde", "Di Maio: "Impeachment non più sul tavolo". In den sozialen Medien wurde die Untersuchungsrichterin grob beleidigt und erhielt Morddrohungen. Ma spuntano anche minacce di morte", "Cottarelli accetta l'incarico: "Senza fiducia il Paese al voto dopo agosto, "Berlusconi: "No alla fiducia e centrodestra unito al voto". Marco Minniti | Als Moderatorin einer Kochshow dürfte sich Elisa Isoardi mit der richtigen Portion Würze auskennen. Così Matteo Salvini replica, in una diretta su Facebook, alle polemiche nate dopo la pubblicazione di una foto sul Messaggero, che lo ritrae in una strada di Roma. Salvini was later elected deputy in the 2013 general election, but he renounced his mandate on the first day of the legislature, and was replaced by Marco Rondini; Salvini maintained the position of MEP.[37]. In the European elections in Italy, the League won a plurality of votes for the first time in a nationwide election,[138][139] gaining more than 34% of votes,[140][141] something which strengthened Salvini's position in Italy. Vom padanischen Kommunisten zum Superstar der europäischen Rechtspopulisten. Despite the party having lost Piedmont to the Democrats, after Roberto Cota had been forced to resign, Salvini was triumphant, with the success of Massimo Bitonci in being elected mayor of Padua, a Democratic stronghold, adding to the successes. Nach dem jüngsten Wahldesaster der GroKo-Parteien in den Ländern stichelte Italiens Innenminister Matteo Salvini voller Schadenfreude: „Arrivederci Merkel“. | [119] According to news sources, all this is closely related to the seizure by the judiciary of the bank accounts of the LN, after the conviction of Bossi and Belsito for fraud (see Lega Nord#From Bossi to Maroni). The LSP, whose platform had been published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale in December 2017[115] and had been described as a "parallel party",[116][117] might eventually replace both the LN and NcS, which would be merged into one. Zuvor kritisierte er laut Klapsis die verhängten wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen gegen Russland und die allzu große wirtschaftliche Nähe Italiens zu Deutschland und den USA. Giovanni Rinaldo Coronas | [29] While in 1997 he participated in the Padanian elections and was elected within the list Comunisti Padani (Padanian Communists), which gained 5 seats out of 210. When I wasn't even interested in politics". Seit 1997 betätigt er sich als Journalist und wurde 1999 Redakteur beim Parteisender Radio Padania Libera, dem Sender der Lega Nord zur Propagierung eines unabhängigen Padan… „Aquarius“-Flüchtlinge: Zynismus und Verantwortungslosigkeit, Senat hebt Immunität von früherem Innenminister Salvini auf,, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments für Italien, Mitglied der Abgeordnetenkammer (Italien), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, italienischer Journalist und Politiker (Lega Nord), MdEP. Giuliano Amato | Tria all'Economia", "Nasce il governo Conte. "Non andavo a … He stated he used to go to Leoncavallo in his late teens and he embraced those ideas. Matteo Salvini Gossip: Francesca Verdini è la nuova fiamma del leader della Lega, Matteo Salvini, ed il settimanale 'Chi' pubblica la loro prima foto insieme. Er und Luigi Di Maio waren zudem stellvertretende Ministerpräsidenten. [83][84], After the election's results were known, both Salvini and the head of the Five Star Movement, Luigi Di Maio, stated that they deserved to receive from President Sergio Mattarella the mandate to form a new cabinet, because they led, respectively, the largest party and the largest coalition. "[147][148], Days after taking his oath, the new Interior Minister created a diplomatic incident with Tunisia, stating that the country sent Italy only convicts who came to Europe with the sole aim of committing crimes. La vita privata di Matteo Salvini non sembra influenzare la vita politica del leader della Lega che cerca di lasciare i suoi affetti personali al di fuori del partito, della politca e … Far-right Italian politician who wants to copy Brexit", "Il Capitano Salvini studia da premier: "Orgoglioso di essere populista, "Il Capitano a Palermo. [32] Die Lega hat seit 2017 ein offizielles Assoziierungsabkommen mit der russischen Regierungspartei Einiges Russland. Da Verona a Firenze, pian dei Giullari, villa della famiglia Verdini. Il settimanale “Chi” lo ha paparazzato mano nella mano con la sua dolce metà . Elisa Isoardi, in collegamento con Serena Bortone, è tornata a parlare della sua relazione con Matteo Salvini editato in: 2020-11-10T11:39:19+01:00 da DiLei 10 Novembre 2020 [7][8], Salvini is nicknamed "The Captain" (Il Capitano) by his supporters. "), recalled an old activist saying "let's hurry up in making Padania, then I want to return voting the left" and added "this was the League and it has to be like this anew".

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